Need financial help to attend an Assembly?

We have a small amount of money available, raised with a crowdfunder. The majority of this goes towards printing leaflets and posters, preparing the food for the Assemblies, and helping people attend with a one off solidarity contribution. 

For a 3-hour Neighbourhood Assembly, the solidarity donation is £20. It will be paid after you attend a Neighbourhood Assembly.

This is currently offered on a trust basis, and it works both ways!

For those of you who are financially comfortable: we ask you not to request this contribution, so more is available for those who need it.


For those of you who are struggling financially: we ask you to let us know, so we can try and help.

Sometimes asking for help isn’t easy. But Cooperation Hull is nothing without cooperation, and the Solidarity Economy won’t work without actual, practical solidarity. If the solidarity contribution will help you feel good and confident about participating in the Assembly, it’s there for you.

If you have any questions, please drop us a line at:

Note – unfortunately, we only have the budget to provide 20 solidarity contributions for each Neighbourhood Assembly. This will work on a first come, first served basis. If you can still fill out the form below, we still have budget remaining.

Contact form – fill this out to request the solidarity contribution

We’re not a big NGO or a business, and we currently rely on support from the real grassroots of our communities, to keep going. With this in mind, if you feel able to, please consider sending our GoFundMe to a few friends or family members and encourage them to make a one off or regular donation to Cooperation Hull. Every little helps.